Drink Up!



This one's going to be perfect for all your parties! Let your interactive experience lead up to the perfect drinking game.

What does the APP consist of?

  • Choose your own APP name.
  • An introductory slide with some fun captions.
  • 4 challenges. Your special one has to play and win each game to unlock the next. The challenges are:
  • Messy Puzzle
    • A jigsaw puzzle made out of your favourite picture!
  • Let's Bounce
    •  We'll turn you into a cute bubble that bounces around the screen. Your special one needs to use the log below to ensure you don't fall out!
  • Scratch Me Surprise!
    Scratch the image at the end to unlock a secret message! And also the instructions to your drinking game.
    • You can choose any 1 out of the following from the drinking game decks. In case Mocktails are more your thing, we've got you covered with 1 non-drinking option too:
  • Who’s Most Likely to?
    Find out who in the group is the wildest one. Based on group consensus, whoever is most likely to be in the situation mentioned on the card or perform that dare, has to have a sip of their drink!
  • Dare to do it
    This game comes with a too drunk to remember guarantee! Either perform the dare on the card or have the number of sips mentioned therein.
  • Drink if you have ever
    This one's simple. If you've done it, drink it!
  • Say it or Do it
    Truth or Dare? You decide! Either answer the question on the card or perform the dare mentioned! This non-drinking game will leave you in splits!

This is a collaborated interactive hamper & the offline gift will be fulfilled directly by our partner brand.

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